Call Us Now: 855-328-7867

Contact Us

Speak to a Live Agent

Call 951-445-4455 to speak with a Fausto’s representative who is specially trained to help you make an arrangement that suits your individual needs. You can use a credit card or debit card.

Online Payments

Please type in the amount and follow the check out page instructions

In-Person Payments

You may walk your payments into our corporate office. We accept cash, personal checks, money orders and most major credit and debit cards.

Mail Payments

Can be made by sending a check or money order (no cash, please) to the following address:

Fausto’s Bail Bonds

30195 Auld Road

Murrieta, CA 92563

Payments will be processed same day of receipt.

for immediate bail - call us now

Toll Free

San Diego Office

Orange Office

Riverside Office

San Bernardino County Jail


It’s time our clients bailed us out!

I was in no position to bail my son out and pay for a private attorney to defend my son. Fausto came to our rescue and bail my son out in a very...

Marco L

Happy Client

Hey Brittany and Jean, Just wanted to say thank you for believing in me when no one would. Not even my own mother. I just got sentenced last...

Love, Marci R

Happy Client

Hello, My name is Tino. I just had to deal wit the awful experience of having my loved one arrested and brought to jail. However after my pleasant...

Tino L

Happy Client